Connecting Custom Domain To Website Hosted On Firebase
Firebase is one of the best platforms to host a static website for free. When we have a website hosted on firebase we get two domains assigned to it. For example, the project id for my portfolio website which is already hosted on firebase is ‘ankit-kumar-cv‘ therefore the URLs assigned to it were:...
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Difference Between Data Science and Web Development
Data Science: Data science is the field of study that combines domain expertise, programming skills, and knowledge of mathematics and statistics to extract meaningful insights from data. Data science practitioners apply machine learning algorithms to numbers, text, images, video, audio, and more to produce artificial intelligence (AI) systems to perform tasks that ordinarily require human intelligence. In turn, these systems generate insights that analysts and business users can translate into tangible business value....
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Google Search Techniques
The Google search engine is fantastic search engine, which is quite easy to use but by knowing some techniques you can have the best result of your search. Getting information is easy but having the best of them is not quite common....
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Top 9 Technologies Transforming the Future of Web Development- Comprehensive Guide
Overview :Technology is evolving at an extremely rapid pace today. In this Covid-19 pandemic, technology trends saw exponential growth. With almost everything becoming online, starting from schools to foreign affairs meetings, IT professionals have realized their roles will not remain the same always, So either out of desire or compulsion, you need to keep learning the new trends to survive in IT sector. You also need to develop skills for the future to secure and excel in this field. Since most people are working from home in this pandemic, it is an excellent opportunity to keep you updated with the new trends. In this piece of writing, we have mentioned the top nine technologies that are the future of website development, and you must attempt to learn them in 2021....
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Making your WordPress Website More Secure
Blogging now a days has become a hobby of so many people and WordPress is the most opted platform for the same.By default, wordpress blogs employ a minimal level of security and also its files and/or plug-ins may often be outdated. These files are traceable and vulnerable to be hacked easily. Internet is not a secure  place to work and one must be aware enough about how to be secure....
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CSS :where() Pseudo-Class
The :where() pseudo-class is helpful for minimization of longer code in a longer CSS selector list. It avoids repetition, just replace multiple selectors with a single one. In :where() pseudo-class you can also override....
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What is the use of Fragment in React ?
Fragment in React is used to combine the child nodes and render without creating an extra parent Node. The Fragment Node is not rendered on the DOM instead it just groups up the elements/ child nodes. In ReactJS, we render the JSX from the component with the help of a return statement that can only return one entity, So when we have to return multiple elements from return statements we usually create the extra node. This extra node has some disadvantages hence to avoid them we use the React Fragment....
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Subdomain takeover from scratch to advance
Sub-domain Takeover :...
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MOODLE – A digital Learning platform
The LEARNING PROCESS comprises of three distinct phases viz., Identification and collection of various study material, Study thus collected artifacts in an organized manner and Test the understanding. Often this process involves many contributors implicitly. For example, a standard (Education or examination) board would have set the goals for us. This board would provide us with some recommendations regarding the scope and offer us a list of study material too. Teachers would have collected such recommended material and add their knowledge, expertise, and experience in developing a vivid explanation and create supporting lecture notes in order to enrich the learning experience for us. Of course, there are short-term or midterm and final examinations, be it descriptive or objective questions. By and large, a similar procedure is followed for competitive examinations with fading roles and responsibilities where the onus is mostly on the student....
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Google Search Techniques | Set 2
Prerequisite – Google Search Techniques...
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p5.js resetMatrix() Function
The resetMatrix() function is used to replace the current matrix with the identity matrix (The square matrix whose all values are zero except diagonal which is 1). When we are rotating, translating, and scaling any graphics image using applyMatrix()  then by applying the function resetMatrix() we can change the graphics to its original form....
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